May 24, 2017

We come to this new week in 2017 with headlines of another terror attack. Why? Why does God seem to allow this kind of thing to happen? This short article will not be able to explain all that needs to be said to answer this question, but first, let’s think on this: God is Love

He loves us so much that when He created us in His image He gave us our Free Will to choose. What is the choice? The choice is to either choose God's Righteousness or to choose unrighteousness/lawlessness.

All of God's Kingdom is governed by God's Righteousness. Jesus is God's Righteousness manifested in the flesh. Unrighteousness/lawlessness (also known as sin) was introduced to humanity in Genesis 3:1-7 when the first parents of the human race tried their free will out for the first time. A conflict came into their lives introduced by Satan, would they choose to be god of their own lives, or be content with Almighty God providing every one of their needs and living in the actual presence of God who is Love? Living in righteousness or unrighteousness, Love or sin/separation from God.

Unfortunately, they used their free will to choose sin and separation from God who is Love. Humanity then was separated from God and God's love. Although God loves His creation they have chosen not to love God. Not even to know Him who is righteous. Him who is Love. God who is Holy.

The free will of humanity, gone bad. Killings, terrorism, human trafficking, addictions, divorce, adultery, covetous greed, hatred and the like. Free will gone bad. Unrighteousness. Lawlessness. Sin. Leading to death.

Free will was given to humanity to enter into a love relationship with God. "If anyone has my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves me..." (John 14:21)  “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and My Father will love Him and We will come to him and make our abode with him." (John 14:23). 

The Lord God Creator longs for a love relationship with His creation that is borne out of their own hearts as The Creator extends grace so they may love. The Bible says in Isaiah 30:18 "Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice (equity or fair dealings). How blessed are all those who long for Him.

However, all of humanity has turned away (Romans 3:23). Even well-meaning religious people enter into a relationship with a religious denomination or organization and instead of loving God their creator they are sincerely loving a man-made organization. "For not knowing about God's righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God." (Romans 10:3).

We can not love God our way because He is God Creator. He made the way to Love Him. Which is by freely coming into a trust relationship with the one that loves you, knows where you are, and gave His life for you to prove He loves you. A love relationship with God our creator begins with one person. That person is Jesus Christ. This love is for free willed people. To freely love God the creator, and then out of that love, people will love one another.

This love and forgiveness is extended to every well-meaning person, every person that may have their own standard of righteousness. This love and forgiveness is also extended to every killer, terrorist, murderer, adulterer, trafficker, addicted, hateful person.

Jesus is still longing for His creation to freely love Him by coming to the one that will forgive you (Colossians 2:13-14), He will give rest (Mt. 11:28), He will give you love in your heart (Romans 5:5), so in your free will you can love God Creator Jesus (John 14:23). Friend, one of the greatest stewardship's God Creator has given us, is our free will.  

Free will can be used to kill, as we will hear about for the remainder of our time here. It can be used to self- indulge and spiral into emptiness. Or we can use our free will for the purpose it was intended to be used. To Love God and be in His presence forever, complete.

Remember you can never force someone to love. God doesn't force humanity to love Him. God by His grace will open your heart to love Him, and when love happens like that, neither terrorism, hate, fear, or self-indulgence will ever be again.

Jesus is still beckoning...Come unto me and I will give you rest.

Pray for the families and friends of the terror attack victims, persecuted families, but don't forget to pray: Lord God my Creator, you are giving me grace to ask this, will you forgive me? Put your love in me so I can love you as you intend me to love you, then I will love my fellow man as you love me...unconditionally. 

To God be the glory! - Pastor Ralph