We are living in a great generation. During this generation however we are seeing deep divisions that are causing a discontent among people. Politics, media, and the Spirit of this world all fuel the fires of division. The old strategy still works, divide and conquer.

When God chose to take the responsibility for giving humanity free will. When God chose to remedy humanity's choice to use free will to rebel against God. When God chose to take that rebellion, which God calls sin, and take the punishment for all humanity and die on a cross to pay the price, God placed a high value on humanity. The Creator giving himself to die in place of His creation. Value.

Jesus says it like this,

'“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”

‭‭John‬ ‭15:13‬

The unique thing about this statement is, Jesus laid down His life for His enemies as well because He knew something. The value of a life. To Jesus our Creator, all lives do matter. Not for the sake of politics, people groups, high or low ranking people. God places a high value on people. In fact He calls us sacred.

Satan is working overtime to cause division in our culture. He causes division in churches, families, companies, politics and where ever there are two or more people.

The Life of God in a person will see what the natural cannot. It is upon those with the Life of God to hear with ears to hear and see with eyes to see the work of the enemy and speak Life, Peace and Mercy into a divided society.

'Light in a corrupt generation' Philippians 2:15.