If you drive a car these words come out of your mouth often. For the motor to run it needs gas... "Fill me up" is what we say to the gas station attendant. The higher the grade of gas the more power we get from our engines. However, if we continually pass by the station and say next time I'll get gas, eventually we run out and the motor has no fuel to keep going.

Jesus speaks a true word in Luke 11 when He lays out the path to the filling station. He begins by telling us how we ought to pray but then moves us beyond words and gives us the way to the fullness of the power of Jesus Himself. In versus 9, 10 and 13, Jesus says; ..."ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened".

Three promises from the Promise Keeper Fulfiller:

1. It will be given, 
2. You will find, 
3. It will be opened.

What is the meaning of the word 'it' in this context? The Holy Spirit. Verse 13: much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?

"Fill me up!"

Tired of trying, just ask Jesus..."Fill me up"!
Feel like you can't get junk out of your life, just ask Jesus..."Fill me up"!
Want to have the victory over depression, just ask Jesus..."Fill me up"!

While you are asking, read and re-read or listen to the Book of Acts chapters 1, 2, and 19.

Then ask, seek, knock. (Luke 11) When you talk to God, God answers.

ASK Him for the Holy Spirit for the reasons you read about in Acts 1.

SEEK how He will fill you up.

KNOCK until He fills you up.

Yes Lord! Fill me up. To God be the glory.