I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:5, 7
In the New York area there is a riddle that says, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?...Practice, practice, practice.”
For many that want to be famous, rich or attain to the success that they feel is fulfilling they will practice their skill, position themselves among the influencers of their intended goal, then practice and repeat the same thing day after day until they achieve their goal. They will go it alone, they will pursue and practice, practice, practice.
Jesus while speaking to His friends said, “I will not always be with you” (in the flesh)’ however, “I will never leave you or forsake you”. Then He said, “if you Abide in me, I will Abide in you and make your joy complete” (full).
These promises of God are compelling.
Think about it, as a Spirit filled believer you have the ability to know God’s presence, to hear the thoughts and intents of your Creator. All it takes is practice. Practice the presence of God. Practice or abiding takes personal effort. A personal effort to keep our minds ‘stayed’ on Jesus’ presence. In God’s presence your inner person will feel secure, connected, healed, strength, joy, peace, love, confidence...promises of God fulfilled. In a word, full. This fullness is not intended for the believer to covet. Fullness is given by God in His presence so we would have a mighty confidence to do God’s exploits. A courage to obey the Word of God. Seeing your faith become reality.
If practicing our skill can get us earthly trophies, then practicing the presence of God will allow us to be used by God for the purposes for which He created us. To be light in darkness drawing nations to Jesus. A vessel used for the purpose for which it was made...
Pray and practice the Presence.