Intimacy is a close friendly relationship. The more we know Jesus the more God is revealed to us and the more intimate we are with Jesus.

How do we become intimate with Jesus?

Proverbs 2:1-10 gives us the answer by giving 7 ways to become intimate.

1. Listen. As you read the Gospels in the Bible, listen to what it is teaching about Jesus’ nature, character and how He responded to His circumstances. Then live it.

2. Tune your ear in to wisdom. When the Bible speaks of wisdom, it always means the wisdom of God. Tune in to the Bible.

3. Concentrate. Intensely focus on God’s wisdom, because that is understanding.

4. Cry Out. Call to God. Verbalize your desire for deeper understanding of Jesus.

5. Ask. Jesus promised if you ask you will receive. Open your heart, open your hands to receive understanding of God.

6. Search. God promised if you search for a deeper understanding of Jesus you will gain more intimacy with Jesus.

7. Seek. Jesus promised if we seek Him we will find Him. He is never far from anyone.

Intimacy with Jesus builds trust. The more we trust God the more intimacy we have with Jesus. The result is you will know the right way to go, and knowledge will fill you with joy.