So your gym is closed and you’re sitting home watching movies. All cooped up waiting to get back to normal.

You’ve heard from the different messages at the church that this time is a time of testing and discipline.

Well the testing of your faith is,

Do you believe Jesus enough to be crucified to yourself, so He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit?

When you are Baptized in the Holy Spirit, can you trust Jesus enough to to give you words to speak words of life to your network? Can you go and minister to the hungry, friends, coworkers that are confused in their choices, depressed, scared to loose their apartments or homes and speak hope and Words from God that are in your conscience?

The discipline we have been speaking about is found here in the Bible, and it says:

“All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.” Hebrews‬ ‭12:11‬ ‭

You see that word trained? When you look it up in the original language the Bible was written in, we get the word ‘gymnastics’.

Ever do gymnastics? Rocking on a vaulted horse, flipping on a high bar, walking on a balance beam flipping off and landing on your feet.

Going through times like 9/11, Coronavirus, life changes, disappointments, big decisions, parents divorcing, relationship issues, these things are the gymnastics that we are to be trained for. Life issues are what trains us to have great faith in Jesus. The secret to strengthening our faith in Jesus is found in this same chapter of the Bible in the second verse, ‘keep your eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of faith’.

Jesus is our trainer. We watch the trainer and He will teach us how to get the gold. He will train us to think and speak life at every hurdle. He will teach us disciplines so we think and speak life into every sorrow and unexpected change in our life.

How do we train? Get alone with Jesus our Trainer by reading the Bible. Start in John, Ephesians and 1 John. Ask Father God to fill you with the Strength of His Spirit so you can think and a speak Words of Life. The best part of thinking and speaking is, you are blessed first. You are blessed with His hope, assurance and strength. Then as you speak it, you see others filled with the same Hope, assurance and strength. Your blessing is deep within you, you are bearing peaceful fruit of righteousness (faith). Blessed are you.

Let’s get with our Trainer.