But you shall speak My words to them whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious.” Ezekiel‬ ‭2:7‬ ‭NASB‬‬

When God told Ezekiel to speak of Gods everlasting love for His people, the people did not want to hear it.
All they wanted was freedom to express themselves as they chose.

We are living in a day when our cities are being looted by rebellious people. What we are seeing in extreme is what rebellion lived to it’s furthest end looks like. Rebellion from obeying God may seem small. Deviating from Gods word may look like there is no consequence.

Look closer, first when delaying obedience to Gods word or flat-out disobeying Gods word you are in rebellion. Rebellion opens a demonic window in your life that left unchecked will leave you shipwrecked.
God tells u how to love Him. Jn. 14:23. All who love me will do what I say...” NLT.

The Holy Spirit is speaking, whether we listen or fail to listen, He has spoken. 

Christian, will you read or listen to the Word of God and obey what the word is speaking?  You will be filled with peace, righteousness, and joy. When God’s Love is received and you return the love through obedience, joy is the outcome. That joy is only experienced as we obey Jesus’ desire. Give it a try. Repeat it over and over and you’ll be filled with joy.