Learning division in elementary math class for many proves difficult. The concept of separating the whole could appear to young minds a hard task. Although division in school may be to the beginner level student a difficult task division within our heart comes naturally.

Our hearts are naturally divided at creation. When our emotions and reasoning ability is given us during formation our heart is divided into our will and all else. Divided heart. Divided.

Eve's short biography in Genesis 3:6-7 introduces into humanity the division of the heart. What she introduces is transgression. Knowing the right thing to do and choosing the opposite. It's a malady (sickness) in our human hard wiring. God says, 'He has written His law upon our hearts' so no one is without excuse.

If you think this is foolishness then look at our culture, even churches are divided by denominations, language, color, zip code, food preferences, size, youth groups, music styles, decor...on and on. Our world system is simply divided.

In Galatians 3:28 says, “For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

‭‭As we think it through and allow the tenderness of the Holy Spirit to speak...our culture will change. Jesus Christ sums up the one-ness when He says, 'that they may be one, even as you, Father are in me and I in you' Jn. 17:21. To God be the glory.