'How sweet are your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter that honey to my mouth.' (Psalm 119:103)

"No sweets before dinner." How many times have you heard someone say that to their child? In America today, because of high sugar content in foods, many people battle diabetes.

But The Bible talks about sweets that God has told us are good for us. The candy God gives us is health to our bones, healing to our hearts, and strength when we are weak. The Bible says the sweets God wants us to eat give us stability and understanding of how to apply His wisdom to every situation in our lives. The candy God offers gives us courage to be our best-self.

When ever you read in the Bible the words, 'eat the word' or 'take this scroll and eat it', the meaning is, to read or listen to the Word and allow this sweet Word to become part of our mental, emotional and temperament. Let the supernatural sweetness of the Word create the supernatural chemical reaction of transformation from self image to the Image of God.

Before your day even begins eat your sweet Word. Before lunch eat your sweets. Skip a meal and eat your sweets.

You will never regret the sweet fellowship of the Word. You won't need to brush your teeth after eating your sweet Word.

The outcome of eating the sweet Word is you soon become what you eat. The sweet Word that God puts in you. And one thing this generation needs is people with a sweet Word. The most important benefit of eating the sweet Word is, Jesus is the Word. You will be transformed into the Image of Jesus. Enjoy the sweets! To God be the glory.