Matthew 22:9
Weddings for the most part are a time of celebration. Two single people with their own single aspirations for themselves coming together in the presences of God and the people to begin a journey. A journey that will cause the single, 'self only' thought to be replaced by a forsaking of singleness and focus on one-ness with the one they have chosen to take life's journey.
When God talks about everything being prepared and then extends an invitation to come to the wedding feast, He is calling out to all humanity to come to the cross and get your wedding clothes. You may be asking, 'a clothing store at the cross?', well not exactly a store but a clothier is present at the cross. The clothier is Jesus. The clothes are free to people but cost a great price. The clothes are one color, white as snow. The clothes are made of God's Righteousness. God's righteousness is God Himself. How we buy it is by faith in believing Jesus died on the cross to take away our separation and rose from the dead to life. Giving the Life of God to people so they can forsake their separateness and focus on one-ness with Jesus the one they have chosen for their life's journey.
One-ness is this: Jesus, with anyone that puts faith in the relationship Jesus offers. One-ness. Two becoming one. When Father God sees you He sees Jesus too. This is the fulfillment of Jesus' prayer in John 17:21 'that they may be one, even as You, Father are in me and I in You, that they may also be in us'.
Today will be a day that will present many choices. Some of those choices will be choices usually made from a 'singleness-mindset'. Meaning all you do is consider yourself in your choices.
What if today, before you walk away from this thought, you speak to Jesus and say..."Jesus I choose us today". I choose One-ness. I choose Us.
Just watch what the Holy Spirit will do. Love, joy, peace will flood your soul.
Jesus I choose Us.
One-ness. If you are reading this today and are married. You can practice one-ness with Jesus everyday of your life. How? Practice with your spouse. The areas that you are exercising your singleness, focus on one-ness. Those disagreements you have, release your argument and trust Jesus in the matter. The hurt you may feel, allow Jesus to heal it by seeking the Word of God for a solution. The singleness lifestyle must be forsaken for one-ness to bring the contentment and joy promised at the wedding. The Words of Jesus are principally true when He says, 'no one can serve two masters'. Serving your single-ness and one-ness are exclusive. You can only serve one of those masters.
Speak to Jesus about it. If you said to Him I choose Us, look to your spouse and say I choose Us. Jesus' promise is the two will become one. One-ness: forsaking singleness to become one. The Greatest is Love.