“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Revelation 4:11 KJV
In our cultural shift kindness is slipping into indifference. You notice it the most when you say ‘thank you’. For many years the response to ‘thank you’ was, ‘your welcome’. ‘Your welcome’, giving you the feeling that if needed the person is inviting to once again do for you, what they had just done.
Now when you say ‘thank you, most times the response comes ‘no problem’. The response gives you the feeling that, you may have been an interruption or a problem however you are forgiven for being a nuisance. During this week of Thanksgiving we are reminded once again to give thanks.
We have been created in the image of God for God’s pleasure. Bible says, ‘and for Thy (God’s) pleasure we are created’.
When our creator saw that we were in danger of eternal death which is not His thought for His creation He made a way for every human to be rescued from eternal death. Jesus took sin and put it to death on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead to resurrection life. Then He said, ‘follow Me’! Put the sin in your life to death and Jesus will give you resurrection life so you are not in danger of eternal death. How you do that is by taking Jesus at His word and asking Him to, put the sin to death.
When the realization comes into your thinking of the great price Jesus paid to fulfill that promise, all one can say is, ‘thank you’... An everlasting thank you.
This Thanksgiving be sure to thank Jesus your creator. Thank Jesus for life, breath and the ability to read this. Thank Him for the cross, and thank Him for resurrection strength. We live because Jesus came back from the dead and is alive in His people...thank you.
The heavenly response you will hear from the throne of God is...My Pleasure. Because it is for His pleasure you were created. All heaven rejoices when one comes to Him...you are His pleasure. You are His...thank you Jesus.