"But when he (Joseph) had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife,”. Matthew‬ ‭1:20, 24‬ ‭

The birth of Jesus was not without scandal. According to today’s values Joseph and Mary would have been just another unwed couple having a baby. But in their day it was scandalous. Because of the culture at that time, Mary could have been stoned to death, or isolated for the rest of her life. They both knew at minimum they would be put out of their community and family.

Joseph, Mary’s to be husband was considering the heart ache and trouble staying with Mary would bring on him. Life would get complicated. But God intervened. God stepped in and told Joseph His plan. The word that came to Joseph is a word that gave Joseph stability. The words were “do not be afraid”.

Living by faith in Jesus is not a “walk in the park”. It’s not so easy. Faith is an action word. Although it is something given to you by God at your born again moment, it becomes an action immediately after that moment so that is becomes a lifestyle of “living by faith”. To live by faith takes courage... Courage to be flexible, adaptable and agreeable to Holy Change.

Why? When God gives you a measure of faith (Romans 12) you are immediately relocated into a new environment of the thinking and implementation of God’s will. The Christian is the instrument to implement the will of God. “...(what) has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. Jesus will save His people.” Do not be afraid to go forward as an instrument to implement the will of God.

Faith takes courage. Christian, everything in you is called to be aligned with the purpose of God through obedience. How we think, talk, reason our lives, have relationships, raise our kids, do our jobs and responsibilities. Why?

Something in us is conceived. It is the mighty, eternal will of God. The Holy Spirit is in us. Do Not be afraid to live by faith in Jesus because what God put in you will not only change you it will change the world around you. What has been conceived in you is of the Holy Spirit...Do Not Be Afraid.

Joseph’s response was stealth. Matthew 1:24 “and Joseph awoke and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him." He looked trouble in the eye and said...bring it on! Like David of old when he faced the giant...unafraid. Make no mistake, the fear feeling was there. But the feeling of fear comes on us so we rise to be our best.

Pray, ask God for the courage to be obedient to His very different will and plan for your life. Courage to be the instrument to implement the will of God in this generation. Do not be afraid, what is conceived in you is of the Holy Spirit...’