Whenever a new baby is about to be born the new life that is brought into the new parents home needs room. A place to sleep, a place to play, a place to keep clothing, toys, bottles, food, diapers. Soon your home will be transformed into 'baby central'. Room will need to be made to accommodate the new life.

Jesus said in the Gospel of Mark 2:22, "And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined." He was talking about the new life of a Christian. The 'new creation' is you because if it's real, Christ is in you. Christ in you is new. He has never been in you in the person of the Holy Spirit. Emmanuel God with you.

Think about it...if you try to live the old life and know God's presence, you are never going to enjoy the new life. Like when you bring home your new baby, you soon realize your life is changed forever because you make room in your heart to love your new baby. If you try to live out your old life and be self focused your baby will suffer neglect and you will never enjoy the new life. New wine in old skins is never sustainable.

New life demands room in your life, cries to be nurtured, fed, and takes loads of attention. The Christian life needs room to grow, change, expand and reach to a generation that so very much needs the Love of Jesus. Will you make room?

LET'S PRAY TOGETHER: Jesus you gave me new life. You gave me You. Cause me to give you all the room you need to accomplish all you have for me, your child. Holy Spirit cause me to think like you. Lord, open my heart to accept your choices for me as I work out my new life, your full life in me. Expand my boarders in my thinking, in my emotions and in my volition. Amen. ~To God be the glory.