Summertime is here again. School is out, shorts, t-shirts and sandals are in, it feels like summer. After a day in sandals you need to wash your feet. Your feet pick up grime from the places you walk, splashing from spills, walking through a puddle in the street...well, you can pick up anything along the way. When your done with your day you know your feet need to be washed. Washed clean.

In John 13 Jesus told His followers although they are righteous or cleansed in His sight they will need to let Jesus wash their feet.

It says, 'If you walk in the light as He is in the light and have fellowship with one another the blood of Jesus cleanses you'.

Believer, there are things that are common to all people. One of our common traits is we rub off on each other. We can pick up a mannerism, some vocabulary, a new idea, guilt, have an argument. We can say things we don't mean, foolishly lie and what we find at the end of the day is that our 'feet' are not clean. In fact we can feel unclean all over because of where we have walked throughout our day.

This is how Jesus washes our feet:

1. Walk with Him - Read or listen to His Word the New Testament Bible.
2. Hang out with believers with the same or greater passion for Jesus.
3. Have faith in Jesus' finished work on the cross that you are clean because He cleansed you from head to toe for all eternity when He stretched out His arms on the cross.

Enjoy the summer but don't forget to walk with the one who keeps you... clean.

~To God be the glory.