There is an old gospel song with a verse that says, 'joy is the flag flown high from the castle of my heart; for the King is in residence here. So let it fly in the sky...'
Today is a day that the Stars and Stripes will fly. A symbol of a free society. Free from the infringement of other world leaders constricting us to their way of life. Under the Stars and Stripes freedom has taken on a new cultural norm in that freedom means to live life apart from ancient boundaries set in place by our Creator. Boundaries set in place so that people can live whole...complete...undivided lives. Lives set at liberty from the tyranny of sin, trying to cover up sin and then rationalizing the sin until it becomes 'un-sin'. Jesus set us at liberty to live within the boundaries of love, peace and joy. Liberty, life and freedom because THE TRUTH has set the true believer free.
Joy is a result of love. Since God is Love and by faith in Jesus, He put His unconditional love into every true believer, when you get to know Jesus, love begins to lay hold of your life and joy begins to 'well-up'. When you live in the liberty Jesus provided for His church the flag of joy flys high over your life.
READ through the Gospel of John chapter 15, with the perspective: given completely to Jesus. Wholly devoted. Then let your flag fly high! ~To God be the glory.