We live in the age of instant information. Have a question? We take out our phone or computer, engage our internet and up comes as many opinions as we could imagine. We process that information, weigh out the pros and cons and then choose an opinion. When God created humanity there was no internet. Instead of an infinite storehouse of opinion He proclaimed three things.

First, He said that like God himself His creation was good. Second, He gave a choice and said, 'the tree of life is in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good (pros) and evil (cons), nourish from the tree of life'. Third, God said, 'you shall not eat from tree of the knowledge of good (pros) and evil (cons), for in the day you eat from it you surely shall die.'

God made us to be sacred moral beings as made in His image. Life, ethnicity and gender is never based on pros and cons. These are God given to every human being. Life, ethnicity, and gender are God given. God said His creation is good, however Adam and Eve chose the way of the information highway and ate from the tree of the knowledge of 'pros and cons', and as a result we can easily go to our technology for answers that will blatantly contradict the sacredness of who we really are.

God's word still says: “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed.” (2 Tim. 3). God always has good intention and instruction with our best in mind. To base our life on the opinions of people instead of our loving creator really seems like a con.