Whenever you pass a beautiful garden the one thing you may or may not notice is the absence of weeds. The flowers look as they are intended and vegetable gardens bulge with their veggies. Everything grows as expected. For the casual admirer all is well with no thought given to the hours invested in pulling the weeds. Weeds in a garden do most damage under the soil where they choke the garden at the root and the garden feels the affect of the unseen strangulation of the life of the garden.
In Proverbs 4:23 the Bible says 'Guard your heart it is the wellspring of life'. The life is the Life of God. Not just a heart beating. Life that God puts into you by His Holy Spirit. The fruit of that Spirit can be choked out by weeds left unattended...cares, worries, distractions, grudges, indulging the senses. The list of weeds can be easily found in Galatians 5:19-21.
It's the middle of summer. Weeds are at their peak. Could it be time to do some weeding in your heart?
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Fruit in the garden of the heart. Take a moment today to pull some weeds. Let the fruit bulge from the garden so the casual admirer will take and eat and know Jesus.