"What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.” Matthew‬ ‭10:27‬. By definition intimacy means simply, 'something of a personal or private nature shared'.

Intimacy is that one on one place. The place that conversations go to the heart and discoveries are made that reveal the motive and inventory of a person." Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks".

This intimate place is where Jesus is able to be heard by faith in His ability to communicate and His ability to help us hear. One requirement, intimacy.

Through out the Bible God calls us to that 'secret place' and He promises, 'when your Father sees what is done in secret will be rewarded'. The words Come to me and I (Jesus) will give you rest is still an open invitation.

Human nature will avoid that type of relationship. Many out of disbelief, some the fear of being found out, many not understanding the value of intimacy with God .

The reward of learning intimacy with Jesus is that it is fueled by the nature that God develops in you. The image God will restore in you will fuel the desire to go deeper. You will seek out occasions to 'get alone ' with your Bible and the Holy Spirit. You will hear, you will see, you will gain the knowledge, the intimate knowledge of God himself. Matthew 10:27 promises, God himself will tell you, and whisper into the ear of your spirit what you are to know.

Jesus invites you one more time, put the busy-ness aside, no more excuses...have a breakthrough moment and...Come to me and I will give you rest...Trust me.