"Look at me", we hear those words regularly when we are near children that are doing new things..."Hey! Look at me!"

When they are trying to get our attention, approval, acceptance. "Hey! Look at what I can do."

We see it, young and old alike on television or on our media devises. People trying to grab attention. It works. Eyes on them. Eyes on the news. Eyes on advertisement. Eyes on tragedies. Eyes on seemingly impossible situations.

But there is another One who calls to each of us to look. Look with eyes to see. Not just to get attention but to get insight to "living". Jesus calls to every generation and individual, to you and me..."Look unto Me and I will give you...!" Jesus calls to you, Hey! Look at Me!

What you will find when you look at Jesus is a provision for your inner person that will feed your needs and desires, calm your fears and worries, and give you a song in times of trouble. A song of life giving joy.

Jesus is still calling...Hey! Look at Me! With our eyes on Jesus, we will be looking into loving, eyes. Eyes that will respond with joy and acceptance. And when our eyes are on Jesus, we will follow Him and allow Him to shape us the way He originally intended when He created us...just like Him. To God be the glory.