“And Behold you will conceive...” Luke 1:31
When the angel told Mary she would conceive, in essence what he was saying is that God Himself was about to undertake union between God and humanity. This union has eternal impact in that the outcome of Mary’s willingness to say yes to God would bring into reality for every one that followed the understanding of how to attain to the full purpose of God for their life. Jesus’ full purpose was to attain redemption for humanity. The large purpose for humanity is to be redeemed and conformed by the Holy Spirit so that God’s glory would be seen.
In this union, God Himself was assuring all humanity that if they would say yes to Jesus, life would have eternal meaning and satisfaction. There would be an internal sense of completeness and fulfillment.
All that is needed is this: take God at His Word. Read or listen to the Bible until something rings in your thoughts. Read once again the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Let the account of Jesus’ birth take hold of your heart. Then as you read through Mathew notice how the following chapters reveal the character of Christ. As His inner thoughts and choices pass through your mind choose to do what you see Jesus do. Choose to let the nature of Jesus be conceived in you. Choose to take on the character of Jesus as revealed to you.
Remember, all things in nature start with a seed. A conception. It always starts small as a baby in a womb. As the Word of God says, “Do not despise small beginnings”. God starts with the willing, and a seed. Behold you will conceive...the Glory of God.