When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” Luke 2:15 NIV
When you read the Christmas story in the Bible, you hear how the shepherds were tending the lambs that were going to be used in the temple. In the darkest point of night angels came and proclaimed that a child was born to bring peace. A lamb, a baby lamb, that when slain on a cross would change the course of millions of lives.
The baby and the lamb is Jesus. At the cross Jesus purchased us by atoning for our sin of rebellion from God. When He rose from the dead, the Strength that gave Him life, the incorruptible life, comes into every one that has faith in what Jesus says. When your life’s vision is focused on Jesus, peace takes hold of your inner person. Peace because you are whole and focused on one thing, letting all you do give glory to God.
When the shepherds were told of the child that was the Savior who is the Christ, they said to each other...” let’s go and see”. By faith in the Word of God sent by angels the shepherds went to see. What they heard by faith they saw with their eyes and they experienced joy and peace that passes all understanding.
Will you give yourself a chance to go to church to see what the shepherds saw. Listen with ears of faith, believe Jesus. Faith will become real to you...You will see. Peace and joy will fill your soul, your mind, your all. Let’s go...and see! See Jesus.