“There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.”
Proverbs 21:30 NIV
Our mind takes in our world through our five senses. Our touch, taste, smell, sight and sound are gifts of God. He wants us to experience our surroundings. More than our environment the Lord wants us to experience His presence through those same senses. Technology dominates our sights and sounds. What we see and hear through technology has evolved to reproduce images and sounds at such a high quality our minds are forever impacted by what we see. Why? Simply, so it will make all that we see and hear through our media as believable. Believable to stir our emotion. Believable to trust what we see and hear. Believable to purchase what’s being sold. Believable to live out a lifestyle. For the most part a lifestyle that is void, empty of the knowledge and wisdom of God.
The Bible says we can have wisdom that will amaze. Knowledge that is beyond our years of life. We can see miracles. We can experience the Holy supernatural. We can feel the presence of God Himself. We can live our life beyond our ability.
It says all this very simply, very quietly, no sights or sounds.
Proverbs 8:6 gives us the solid ground so we can trust what is being said,
“Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right.”
True wisdom, true knowledge, exhilarating experiences are part of the plan of God. Wholeness on the inside of you, completeness, contentment are part of the plan of God for you. Healing is part of the plan of God for you.
Jesus knows how to bring you to these things and more. Just listen to His Word as you read. Listen as you hear The Bible from your media. Listen to live it.
The One you will Hear will give you wisdom that works. He knows the beginning from the end of your need and questions. He will give you knowledge. In Proverbs 8, God says, even before He created anything, before He marked out the heavens, wisdom and knowledge were at His side. He knows, He sees and Jesus wants to tell you.
Read through Proverbs 8th chapter. Read the small epistle of 1 John near the end of the Bible. Pray...you will never get this from TV.