“For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes...” 2 Corinthians 1:20
There is a Designer that offers to every person a place to make their mark in life. You can become part of a grand tapestry that includes you with many in humanity. This design will bring out the real you. The true you. Beyond any hurt or pain. Beyond doubts. You will be free of fear. Free because you are never alone from the Designer. Your mark will be made as you let go of thoughts of failure, thoughts of losing and being a loser. You will be part of a network that is global in reach and eternal in thinking. The real you will surface and create such a vibrant color in the tapestry of the Designer, along with others that are making their mark in life. Your mark in life will be so vibrant you will have a real feeling of contentment. The Designer-Promise Keeper is offering this type of meaningful, fulfilling life to anyone willing to take Him up on His invitation.
The invitation is simply, “Come, Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters...those with no money...and without cost...and delight yourself in abundance.”
You can’t come with money because money can’t buy this. You won’t need money to make your mark because the Designer-Promise Keeper promises you your place in His grand design along with many other. His promise is sure. There is one thing to know. He has never, ever left a promise unfulfilled. That is why for those that gave this thing a try have never been disappointed or put to shame. Why? Because every promise the Designer makes is yes! Yes because every promise is fulfilled. Therefore your place in the grand tapestry of the designer is guaranteed. It will take all of you. But you can’t fail, your not in it alone. The invitation to you is: Come and eat by hearing. Come as you are and test The Designer and see that He is true to His Promises. Come and get to know Jesus.