‘Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it.’ 1 Corinthians 12:27
Our eyes deceive us when we think we are alone. We think because there is no other human being in our sight or a companion at our side we are alone.
Through out the Bible God tells, repeats and repeats again these words: “ I will never leave you or forsake you.” To the accuser of God in Isaiah 49:14, when God’s own accuse Him of forgetting His own children God through the prophet Isaiah responds, “...I will not forget you, Behold (look) I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands”.
When you Behold Jesus, you will see the nail scares on His glorified hands indicating the scares He bore are yours so you won’t ever fear that you are alone. You are His body and Jesus is the head. You can’t separate the body from the head. You are never alone in life or in death. Jesus is there.
We are called to walk by faith in Jesus. Another way of saying this is, we are called to trust with a limitless trust in a God who loves, convinces through faithfulness, never lies or changes. He is Emmanuel, God with us. We are Christ’s body. Our identity is inseparable from Christ because we are His body. He is the head, the thought, the initiator of fulfilling purpose that ends in joy and glory.
Beloved lay hold of the fact that as you think and the thoughts in your mind initiate movement and action in your body, so when God thinks, His thoughts should initiate movement and action in the body. This all by the Spirit of God in the true believer. You are the body of Christ. Actions and movements of praise, holiness, truth, mercy and all the nature of Jesus is the reaction because you are the body of Christ. You are not alone.
Go to a church on Sunday that celebrates with great freedom the worship that the body is called to give Jesus. Everything within you will be engaged to shout with great confidence and passion...I am Not alone!