In every organization there is a leader and an assistant. The position of administrative assistant exists because the leader needs a person to help further the plan of the leader.
This could be a great position. All the excitement of cutting edge leadership and the problems get passed to the leader. That’s why there is a leader.
Under a tyrant style leader the job is terrible. Along side a well intended, benevolent leader the position is challenging, joyful and fulfilling. One big perk is the main responsibilities and the initiation of leading belongs to someone else.
For every Christian in every denomination and every non-denomination. For every Christian, Jesus is the leader. Everyone else is a servant. At best a bond servant created to further the agenda of the leader. Christian. Christ follower. Jesus said, “the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant.” Luke 22:26
The best a Christian can do is administrative assistant, submitting to the leadership of Jesus. He always succeeds, therefore we succeed. He won therefore, we are winners. He never fails therefore, we never fail.
His agenda is: First, that his administrative assistants ‘become conformed to the image of His Son’. Romans 8:29
Second, that they ‘Go and make disciples.’ Mt. 28:19. Both of these agendas are a life long endeavor for the Christian.
We have a gentle, benevolent, loving leader. Christian the next time we’re asked the question, ‘What do you do?’ perhaps we could say, ‘I am an administrative assistant to The King.’