‘Ahh-Chew"! Immediately following that sneeze someone will say...’bless you’. Bless you. There is a blessing that can last a lifetime and beyond. It is a blessing that comes from our kind Creator. It’s a blessing that our Creator and loving Father wants us to embrace.
The blessing is found in the Bible in Psalm 1. It says, ‘Blessed is the person that does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.’ ‘But delights in the law of the Lord.’
Counsel or input to your thinking. Advice for life. Psychological counsel. Guidance. Peer counseling. Where do you get your counsel from? Who are you listening to? Your social forums? Social opinions? Your music? Your friends?
Is it our Kind Creator, Loving Father’s counsel? Our Creator says we are blessed when we delight in His counsel. When we meditate and plan using His counsel.
We are blessed by following Our Creator/Father’s counsel because He knows us, He loves us, He knows our future and how to get us there. Feel a sneeze coming on? Go to the Bible...a proverb a day. Godly counsel...bless you!