‘Today you will be with me...’ Jesus spoke those words to men who had no hope. The men were thieves and were being punished for their crimes. Utterly hopeless and completely helpless the thieves look to Jesus and one of them sees hope in His words. The thieves lashed out with words of agony from their heart. But one of the thieves heard a different word being spoken from Jesus mouth. While Jesus was being executed with these two men Jesus' words were, ‘Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing’.
They don’t know what they are doing, are words that sum up the human heart and mind apart from God’s plan. The plan of people apart from God is hopeless. Even when the plan comes together our nature will say, ‘is that all there is?’. Utter frustration and hopelessness.
Jesus speaks to hopelessness and says ‘today you will be with me in my kingdom’. Yes today. As you read this ask Jesus with your words: Jesus if this is true will you lead me? Be the King of my life. All your plans succeed. You never fail.
If you asked Jesus these things, take some time on Sunday and make your way to Emmanuel Christian Church in Hackensack, and listen. Feel the reality of being with Jesus and know hope for your life. You will see people that walked out of hopelessness into a life of meaning and purpose. Try it and you will hear...’today you will be with me’.