For whom the Son sets free is free indeed is what the Bible says. But many times responsibilities, the daily grind, and the never ending to do lists make you feel like you are a bird in a cage, anything but free.

The freedom the Bible talks about is the freedom to be what God has created you for, while life keeps happening all around you. What are you created for? Simply this: 'To love God and worship him forever'.

How do we love God? First, ask Him for His grace to have faith in Jesus. Why faith? Faith in Jesus produces God's nature and character in us. When faith grows, God's nature leads us into loving God. Since His nature is in us we begin to obey God's word demonstrating love toward God. We are free to love God and as a result we worship. Worship simply stated is this, keeping one thing central while all else revolves around that one thing.

To illustrate that, think of the hub of a wheel. The hub is central and the wheel revolves around the hub. The hub is Jesus.

If we were created to be free, are we free? Free to love and worship God? Is Jesus the hub of your life? If anything else is the hub then we are out of balance and freedom eludes us.

So, how do you get free? In John 8:31-32, Jesus said, "if you abide in my word then you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free".

The two ways to be free are: Abide in the the Word, and Know Truth. The Word is Truth. And Truth is a person. That person is Jesus... Freedom!

Pray this: Lord Jesus, be the center of my life. Give me a hunger for your word, The Bible, so I can know you who is Truth. As I know Jesus who is Truth I will be set free and I will have the freedom to make you the hub of my life.

To God be the glory!