“While He was still speaking, someone came from the house of the synagogue official, saying, "Your daughter has died; do not trouble the Teacher anymore." But when Jesus heard this, He answered him, "Do not be afraid any longer; only believe...” Luke 8:49-50
Only believe is what Jesus said! Believe. When Jesus said these words He was replying to someone. Reading the text it was a voice that comes out of nowhere. A voice of the the culture. A voice of the unbeliever. The voice said, “your daughter is dead, don’t trouble Jesus...”. A voice of unbelief and distraction. Unbelief because the unidentified voice will always say it’s dead, it’s over, it’s beyond repair, don’t bother Jesus, don’t pray anymore, don’t ask the church to pray, it’s a lost cause. Whether the voice comes from a coworker, your media, or your own thoughts.
Jesus speaks His Word to that voice from somewhere. Jesus ends the confusion of unbelief in two Words. “Only Believe”. Believe what? Ah! The critical question to ask is Believe Who?
Who do we believe?
Belief is faith and faith is given to us in measure from God alone. Therefore Believe Jesus. Believe His Words. Believe His nature. Believe Jesus and when you think you know what He will do and it does not turn out as you thought, you don’t know Him well enough...go back and get to Know Him so you can Believe aright.
Remember, Hebrews 12:2 “Jesus is the Author of Faith...”. So we need to know the Author, Believe the Author Only, Believe Jesus Only. “Only Believe”!