Good for you! Religion is the learning of a system, then holding to the knowledge of that system above all other things, and keeping it central.
Jesus deplored religion. He was not about religion. In fact He said to one religious leader, I desire mercy not sacrifice. Sacrifice is religious observance, mercy is the very nature of God. God says of Himself, I am merciful, patient, full of lovingkindness, forgiving ... this is all within the boundaries of relationship. Jesus said if you know me, you will know my Father.
Jesus clearly tells us in Matthew 11:28-29 in the Bible, ‘Come to me and I will give you rest...learn of me’. Jesus invites us to learn about Him personally. Open the Bible app. Go to the Gospel of John. Just read/listen to get to know the person Jesus. Not a religion, a person. Not a system but a relationship.
You will be surprised how easy it is to get to know Him. He will help you to know Him. All you need to do is ask Jesus. ‘Jesus, help me to know you personally. Not what I have heard. But only to know You. Just You.’ Once you start reading/listening-keep going. He wants you to know Him, after all, He knows you since you were formed, and before.