Our body has a mechanism that is an indicator to let us know something is wrong and needs to be fixed. Ignore it and the pain gets worse until you become immobilized. Whether physical pain or emotional pain, pain is an indicator that we need help.
When we have physical pain many will immediately go to a doctor and remedy the pain. For those that have pain from an emotional hurt, loss or disappointment the pain is pushed aside. For many the pain of an uninvolved parent or dysfunctional parent can damage kids lives. Since there is distrust they choose to live with the pain. Those that have been abandoned emotionally or left on the street to ‘make it ‘ on their own have imbedded pain that is, many times worse than physical pain. Relieving deep pain is a journey that no one has to go alone. There is help!
Jesus stated purpose in The Bible in Matthew 11:3-6, when asked by a man that was about to be beheaded, “are you the Expected One?” said, “the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raise and the poor (in heart) have the gospel preached to them”.
Jesus came to heal the pain in our inner person. He came to heal the emotional pain, the spiritual sicknesses, the physical pain. This is not a quick fix. The healing comes by faith in Jesus' purpose. You may have heard it from someone else and you backed off, but if you don’t try Jesus you will never know the healing touch of your Creator. He knows where you’ve been. He knows how you're made. He gives us the pain indicator so we go to Him and let Him heal us. You will never know for sure if you don’t try Jesus. Pray.