Someone said, ‘What you feed grows and what you starve dies”.
When a student walks into a school building and begins to kill people and it happens repeatedly through out the country the question needs to be asked, “What are our students putting in their hearts and minds and what is being omitted?”
We can stand in judgement of the schools, bullies, guns, professionals missing the signals. All easy targets but the bullseye is always on the heart.
What are the shooters feeding their heart and mind?
When the Bible says, ‘God is Love’ or ‘God is Good’ or Jesus is ‘Truth and the Truth shall set you free’ the Bible isn’t talking about what God does. Love, Good, Truth is what God is not what He does.
The claim of the Bible is, “If you believe by faith Jesus died on a cross to pay the penalty for your personal rebellion and believe by faith that God raised Jesus from the dead, God’s Holy Spirit will come into you and give you Love, Faith, Goodness, Truth. All the things our humanity is not.
How does God do that? Well if God is Love and God is Good and God is Truth, when He comes into a person He puts in the person Love, Goodness, Truth and other qualities of God. What you feed grows.
Jesus said, “Humanity shall not live on bread alone but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." “I am the Bread of life." Have you been feeding yourself the Bread of Life? When you feed on the Bread of Life Love, Goodness, Faith, Truth grows into Hope, Peace and Joy. The Bread of Life is The Bible. Jesus’ words.
Starve yourself of the Bread of life and self centeredness, anger, hatred, envy, vengeance will take hold. Those real feelings grow into death and destruction. Tragedy and pain follows starvation of the soul. What you starve dies. No Bible is starvation.
What can you do?
Feed yourself well on The Bible, then feed someone else. Eat well, then bring some Bread of Life to someone else. “Do unto others the way you want others to do to you”. If you were hungry you would want someone to share bread with you.
If you eat the Bread, break off a piece and offer the Bread of Life to someone you may suspect as someone who is death. When they eat they will begin to know Love, Goodness, Faith, Hope, Peace and Joy. Try it and watch what happens.