“"I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star."” Revelation‬ ‭22:16‬ ‭NASB‬

When you look to the sky in the early morning there is another bright light that appears as the sun makes its way to the dawn of the day. The light is a planet that orbits close to the sun and lights up in the the sky. It is a guide light that move through the sky from west to east every day. It is brightest during the darkest portion of the night.

In the last chapter of the Bible Jesus calls Himself the Alpha and Omega, First and Last, beginning and the End, the root and descendant of David, the Bright Morning Star.

In this life, Jesus is the first thing as He had his hand on you when you were ‘woven together in the womb’. In the course of your life Jesus makes sure you hear of His sacrifice for your sin of rebellion, His life in exchange for your life. When you die it is appointed the last person you will see is Jesus.

In every stage of life as at every dawn one thing remains, the bright morning star. Jesus is the bright light in the darkest moments of life in every generation. What ever your need, whenever you feel lost, whenever you are overcome with fear and anxiety. Look up, Jesus the Bright Morning Star is ‘the lifter of your head’ and will show you through the Words in the Bible that He will guide you across the horizons of your life. He is faithful everyday to be your guide though life because He is The Light of the world. The Lover of your soul still gives you an invitation to Come.

Thirsty for love with Truth you can trust? Come.

Are you wishing things would change? Come, take the water (Word) of life without cost.

Come to Jesus. Trust Him. He will be your all in all.