Even when the Bible was written the writer of one of the chapters said, “solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.” (Hebrews‬ ‭5:14‬). The solid food the writer was speaking of is the solid truth of God’s Word, the Bible. When you read it and do what it says you are practicing and you learn how to discern.
It’s like a game plan for a sports team. The coaches on the sideline and the players practice all week to play that big game on the weekend. When they work the plan and discern what will make them win, the team wins. The difference between a game and life is huge. Life is eternal and you only get one shot at it. Games are games.

So, practice the Word of God and ‘train your senses to discern’. As you read the Word, the Holy Spirit will teach you how to discern good from evil. He is in you to teach you as you practice what you read.

Read the solid, good, perfect and pleasing food of the Word of God...put it into practice. You are what you eat. Be like Jeremiah... “Your words were found and I ate them, And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Your name, O LORD God of hosts.” Jeremiah‬ ‭15:16‬ ‭NASB