“Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.” Matthew‬ ‭13:43‬ ‭NIV‬‬

At the ministry called Harvest to Hope, they separate the food that is able to be eaten from the unusable food. The good food from the waste. The nourishing food from the corrupt.

Jesus said, (Mt. 13:41), He will gather out or separate the stumbling blocks and lawless from the righteous v43 or the ‘true believers’.

The true believer is the person that takes in the Word of God, faith to believe in Jesus, and faith in the promises of God. They have faith to trust what God says in the Bible. They have faith to trust God to unveil the plan God has for them. Even when they don’t understand everything, they let the misunderstanding motivate them to read or listen to the Bible so they can come to understanding.

Faith in Jesus and motivation to know Him more and then obey Him, God calls that righteousness. When God separates people in ‘that day’ the factor God will use to separate is righteousness. This will separate the good from the corrupt. The good from the rotten. The lawless from the ‘true believer’.

Take a moment. Think about it. Do you read or listen to your Bible? Do you take in your Bible and do the Bible the way it says? One of the greatest lies to believe is this, “ I have my own relationship with Jesus”. We can’t have our own relationship with Jesus. We all are called to the same relationship...obedience.

“Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Luke 11:28.

Take in the Bible, trust it, obey it. Jesus isn’t kidding! When you do ‘you will shine like the sun in God’s s Kingdom’. Shine!