Where would we be without the Maps app? Whether we are going on a trip, or looking for a store in the mall we use our Maps app. What a great convenience to know where to go with out getting lost, wasting time or missing out on an enjoyable tourist attraction.

When the Bible says; ‘Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith’ (Hebrews 12:2) simply means that He is the writer of our story. Yes the story of our lives. He is the author. He also knows the final chapter because He is the finisher. Bible also says: He ‘is the Alpha ( beginning) and Omega (the end)’ (Revelation 1:8) assuring us that we live within the bookends of a grand design. The grand designer knows the theme of our story, the plot, the action, the tragedy, the renewal and the final chapter. All written in the Book of Life.

We know it’s possible to know the journey because the author of our story says He has a plan for us (Jer. 29:11-13). He says He will provide all we need (Philippians 4:19)
and He say that if our story gets to intense and hair-raising He will deliver us out (Ps. 91:3). He also writes into our story that death cannot hold us down (1 Corinthians 15:54), and He has prepared a reception at the end of our story (John 14:1-4; Revelation 19:5-9).

Now you don’t want to miss anything along the way. Don’t want to miss any turns or bends in the story, Because it’s your story. Yes Jesus has written your story and when you receive Him into you by faith, the app He puts into you is The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit knows your story because He helped to write your story ( Ps. 139).

All you need to do is choose to let your Maps App guide you into truth. The truth is Jesus. Then, trust your App to take you on the journey in your own story. He will guide you without faltering or failing. He will take you to what may seem impossible situations however if you trust your App with no doubts, He will get you through. The journey will bring adrenaline rushes and sometimes a broken heart that will be mended by the tender hand of the Author of your story. He will bring you to places and people you would not normally go to. He will give you all you need to do wonder-filled things because The Author of your story has that ability.

When you reach your destination you will be able to say with a loud shout, “Hallelujah (praise the Lord!) for the Lord my God the Almighty reigns!” Program into your App, LORD FILL ME WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. SHOW ME, OPEN THE EYES OF MY HEART. Read your Bible...pray!